Die Zeolith-Trocknung/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „Zeolite drying is maintenance-free and endures for the lifetime of an appliance. The technology also offers further advantages: When the door is opened at the end of the program, there is no cloud of steam and the tableware is warm to the touch so there's no longer any danger of burning fingers when unloading dishes.<ref>BSH Corporate Archives, A05-0032, inform 2009/2 June, page 27. <nowiki>http://www.iku-innovationspreis.de/iku-info/preistraeger/archiv/p…“)
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[[File:06-Siemens-iQ700-Geschirrspueler-mit-Zeolith-Trocknen-offen-300dpi Siemens Pressebilder.jpg|thumb|Siemens-iQ700 dishwasher with Zeolite drying. (Source: Press fotos SEG Hausgeräte GmbH)]]
[[File:06-Siemens-iQ700-Geschirrspueler-mit-Zeolith-Trocknen-offen-300dpi Siemens Pressebilder.jpg|thumb|400x400px|Siemens-Geschirrspüler iQ700 mit Zeolith-Trocknung. (Quelle: Pressebild SEG Hausgeräte GmbH)]]
What do an energy-efficient dishwasher and a self-cooling beer keg have in common? At first glance, very little of course. But a closer look at the inner workings of both inventions reveals a fascinating material: Zeolite.
Was hat eine energieeffiziente Geschirrspülmaschine mit einem selbstkühlenden Bierfass gemeinsam? Auf den ersten Blick natürlich wenig. Aber wenn man sich das Innenleben der beiden Erfindungen genauer ansieht, stößt man auf ein faszinierendes Material: Zeolith.

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<span id="Was_ist_Zeolith?"></span>
===== Was ist Zeolith? =====
===== What is Zeolite? =====

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Zeolite is a mineral that occurs naturally in volcanic rock and is produced synthetically for technical use. It has very special properties that developers at BSH took advantage of. "Zeolite is especially suitable for this purpose because it has a crystal structure with a very high inner surface and a large number of channels. 1 kg of Zeolite covers the same surface area as 140 soccer fields! Its water absorbency is thus extremely high," explained Kai Paintner, Group Leader for Advance Development at BSH<ref>BSH was founded in 1967 as Bosch-Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH - BSHG for short. In 1998, the name was changed to BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH, with the short form BSH. Since the sale of the Siemens shares in BSH to Robert Bosch GmbH the company’s name is now BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, but still BSH for short.</ref> in Dillingen, who was responsible for the process development referred to as the "sorption process".<ref>BSH Corporate Archives, A05-0032, inform 2009/2 June, page 27.</ref>
Zeolith ist ein Mineral, das in der Natur in vulkanischem Naturgestein vorkommt und für technische Anwendung synthetisch hergestellt wird. Es hat ganz besondere Eigenschaften, die sich die Entwickler der BSH zu Nutze machen: „Zeolith eignet sich dafür deshalb so gut, weil es eine Kristallstruktur mit einer sehr hohen inneren Oberfläche und vielen Kanälen besitzt. 1 kg Zeolith hat die gleiche Oberfläche wie 140 Fußballfelder! Sein Wasseraufnahmevermögen ist damit extrem hoch", erklärt Kai Paintner, Gruppenleiter in der Vorentwicklung von der BSH<ref>Die BSH wird 1967 als Bosch-Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH gegründet - abgekürzt BSHG. 1998 wird der Name in BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH geändert, die neue Abkürzung lautet BSH. Seit dem Verkauf der Siemens-Anteile der BSH an die Robert Bosch GmbH heißt das Unternehmen BSH Hausgeräte GmbH und wird weiterhin mit BSH abgekürzt.</ref> in Dillingen, der für die Verfahrensentwicklung „Sorptionsprozess“ zuständig  war.<ref>BSH-Konzernarchiv, A05-0032, inform 2009/2 Juni, S. 27.</ref>

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In collaboration with the Center for Applied Energy Research e.V. (ZAE), the dishwasher plant in Dillingen developed the then most energy-efficient dishwasher in the world in 2008 with the aid of Zeolite. The partners received the Bavarian Energy Award and the German Innovation Award for Climate and Environment for their development in 2009.
Gemeinsam mit dem Zentrum für angewandte Energieforschung entwickelt das Geschirrspülerwerk Dillingen 2008 mithilfe von Zeolith den damals energieeffizientesten Geschirrspüler der Welt. Dafür erhalten die Partner 2009 den Bayerischen Energiepreis und den Deutschen Innovationspreis für Klima und Umwelt.

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<span id="Wie_funktioniert_die_Zeolith-Trocknung_in_Geschirrspülern?"></span>
===== Wie funktioniert die Zeolith-Trocknung in Geschirrspülern? =====
===== How does Zeolite drying work in dishwashers? =====

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Zeolite is of critical importance for sorption drying as the process is termed scientifically. Sorption drying consists of two phases: the adsorption (or extraction of moisture) and the desorption (return of moisture).
Zeolith ist von zentraler Bedeutung für die Sorptionstrockung – so der wissenschaftliche Begriff. Die Sorptionstrocknung besteht aus zwei Phasen: der Adsorption (Entnahme der Feuchtigkeit) und der Desorption (Wiederabgabe der Feuchtigkeit).<ref>Ebd.</ref>

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During the adsorption process, the porous Zeolite granulates in the dishwashers absorb the moisture from the air in the interior and store this.
Während der Adsorption entziehen die porösen Zeolith-Granulate in den Geschirrspülern der Luft im Innenraum die Feuchtigkeit und speichern diese.

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This releases energy in the form of heat. The warm air then flows back into the dishwasher interior, further accelerating the drying of the dishes and thus shortening the dishwasher program. The water remains in the zeolites at the end of the program.
Dabei wird Energie in Form von Wärme freigesetzt. Die warme Luft strömt daraufhin in den Spülinnenraum zurück, beschleunigt die Trocknung des Geschirrs noch weiter und verkürzt somit das Spülprogramm.<ref>Ebd.</ref> Das Wasser verbleibt am Ende des Programms in den Zeolithen.<ref>Ebd.</ref>

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The dishwasher reuses the saved water again in the next wash cycle: the Zeolite granulates are heated and discharge the water as moist air into the initially cold rinsing process by condensing it. This allows the Zeolite granulates to be regenerated and absorb water again in the drying phase.<ref>BSH Corporate Archives, A05-0032, inform 2009/2 June, page 27.</ref>
Im nächsten Waschvorgang nutzt der Geschirrspüler das gespeicherte Wasser wieder: Die Zeolith-Granulate werden erhitzt und geben das Wasser als feuchte Luft in den zu Beginn kalten Spülprozess ab, in dem es kondensiert. Dadurch regeneriert sich das Zeolith-Granulat und kann in der Trockenphase wieder Wasser aufnehmen.

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<span id="Weniger_Energie_hilft_der_Umwelt_und_spart_Geld"></span>
===== Weniger Energie hilft der Umwelt und spart Geld =====
==== Less energy helps the environment and saves money ====

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It takes a lot less energy to heat the Zeolite granulates than the dishes in the dishwasher. This saving is measurable:  up to 0.2 kWh per wash cycle or up to 20 percent less energy.<ref>BSH Corporate Archives, A05-0032, inform 2009/2 June, page 27.</ref>
Es braucht weniger Energie, die Zeolith-Granulate zu erhitzen, als das Geschirr im Spülinnenraum. Diese Einsparung lässt sich messen: bis zu 0,2 kWh pro Spülgang oder bis zu 20 Prozent weniger Energie.<ref>Ebd.</ref>

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If all conventional dishwashers in Germany were replaced by Zeolite appliances, then the atmosphere would be some 1.2 million tons of CO2 better off each year. This corresponds to the emissions from around 600,000 cars covering 15,000 kilometers annually.<ref>http://www.iku-innovationspreis.de/iku-info/preistraeger/archiv/preistraeger-2009.php (last downloaded on 24.11.2016).</ref>
Wenn alle herkömmlichen Geschirrspülgeräte in Deutschland durch Zeolith-Geräte ersetzt werden würden, dann würde die Atmosphäre jährlich um rund 1,2 Millionen Tonnen CO2 entlastet werden. Dies entspricht dem Ausstoß von etwa 600.000 Personenautos, die eine Jahresleistung von 15.000 Kilometern jährlich zurücklegen.<ref>http://www.iku-innovationspreis.de/iku-info/preistraeger/archiv/preistraeger-2009.php (abgerufen am 24.11.2016).</ref>

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This made the new BSH dishwashers with Zeolite technology the most energy-efficient in the world at that time. The innovation was honored twice in 2009, firstly with the Bavarian Energy Award and secondly with the German Innovation Award for Climate and Environment from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Reactor Safety and the Federation of German Industries.<ref>BSH Corporate Archives, A05-0032, inform 2009/2 June, page 27.</ref>
Das macht den neuen BSH-Geschirrspüler mit Zeolith-Technologie zum damals energieeffizientesten Geschirrspüler der Welt. Diese Innovation wurde 2009 zweimal honoriert: mit dem Bayerischen Energiepreis und dem Deutschen Innovationspreis für Klima und Umwelt des Bundesministeriums für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit sowie des Bundesverbands der Deutschen Industrie.<ref>BSH-Konzernarchiv, A05-0032, inform 2009/2 Juni, S. 27.</ref>

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Zeolite drying is maintenance-free and endures for the lifetime of an appliance. The technology also offers further advantages: When the door is opened at the end of the program, there is no cloud of steam and the tableware is warm to the touch so there's no longer any danger of burning fingers when unloading dishes.<ref>BSH Corporate Archives, A05-0032, inform 2009/2 June, page 27. <nowiki>http://www.iku-innovationspreis.de/iku-info/preistraeger/archiv/preistraeger-2009.php</nowiki> (last downloaded on 24.11.2016).</ref>
Die Zeolith-Trocknung ist wartungsfrei und hält ein Geräteleben lang. Die Technologie bietet noch weitere Vorteile: Wenn am Ende des Programms die Tür geöffnet wird, gibt es keine Dampfwolke und das Geschirr ist handwarm, so dass man sich beim Ausräumen nicht mehr die Finger verbrennt.<ref>Ebd. http://www.iku-innovationspreis.de/iku-info/preistraeger/archiv/preistraeger-2009.php (abgerufen am 24.11.2016).</ref>

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<span id="Einzelnachweise"></span>
== Einzelnachweise ==
== Notes ==

Aktuelle Version vom 17. August 2023, 16:23 Uhr

Siemens-iQ700 dishwasher with Zeolite drying. (Source: Press fotos SEG Hausgeräte GmbH)

What do an energy-efficient dishwasher and a self-cooling beer keg have in common? At first glance, very little of course. But a closer look at the inner workings of both inventions reveals a fascinating material: Zeolite.

What is Zeolite?

Zeolite is a mineral that occurs naturally in volcanic rock and is produced synthetically for technical use. It has very special properties that developers at BSH took advantage of. "Zeolite is especially suitable for this purpose because it has a crystal structure with a very high inner surface and a large number of channels. 1 kg of Zeolite covers the same surface area as 140 soccer fields! Its water absorbency is thus extremely high," explained Kai Paintner, Group Leader for Advance Development at BSH[1] in Dillingen, who was responsible for the process development referred to as the "sorption process".[2]

In collaboration with the Center for Applied Energy Research e.V. (ZAE), the dishwasher plant in Dillingen developed the then most energy-efficient dishwasher in the world in 2008 with the aid of Zeolite. The partners received the Bavarian Energy Award and the German Innovation Award for Climate and Environment for their development in 2009.

How does Zeolite drying work in dishwashers?

Zeolite is of critical importance for sorption drying as the process is termed scientifically. Sorption drying consists of two phases: the adsorption (or extraction of moisture) and the desorption (return of moisture).

During the adsorption process, the porous Zeolite granulates in the dishwashers absorb the moisture from the air in the interior and store this.

This releases energy in the form of heat. The warm air then flows back into the dishwasher interior, further accelerating the drying of the dishes and thus shortening the dishwasher program. The water remains in the zeolites at the end of the program.

The dishwasher reuses the saved water again in the next wash cycle: the Zeolite granulates are heated and discharge the water as moist air into the initially cold rinsing process by condensing it. This allows the Zeolite granulates to be regenerated and absorb water again in the drying phase.[3]

Less energy helps the environment and saves money

It takes a lot less energy to heat the Zeolite granulates than the dishes in the dishwasher. This saving is measurable:  up to 0.2 kWh per wash cycle or up to 20 percent less energy.[4]

If all conventional dishwashers in Germany were replaced by Zeolite appliances, then the atmosphere would be some 1.2 million tons of CO2 better off each year. This corresponds to the emissions from around 600,000 cars covering 15,000 kilometers annually.[5]

This made the new BSH dishwashers with Zeolite technology the most energy-efficient in the world at that time. The innovation was honored twice in 2009, firstly with the Bavarian Energy Award and secondly with the German Innovation Award for Climate and Environment from the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Construction and Reactor Safety and the Federation of German Industries.[6]

Zeolite drying is maintenance-free and endures for the lifetime of an appliance. The technology also offers further advantages: When the door is opened at the end of the program, there is no cloud of steam and the tableware is warm to the touch so there's no longer any danger of burning fingers when unloading dishes.[7]


  1. BSH was founded in 1967 as Bosch-Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH - BSHG for short. In 1998, the name was changed to BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH, with the short form BSH. Since the sale of the Siemens shares in BSH to Robert Bosch GmbH the company’s name is now BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, but still BSH for short.
  2. BSH Corporate Archives, A05-0032, inform 2009/2 June, page 27.
  3. BSH Corporate Archives, A05-0032, inform 2009/2 June, page 27.
  4. BSH Corporate Archives, A05-0032, inform 2009/2 June, page 27.
  5. http://www.iku-innovationspreis.de/iku-info/preistraeger/archiv/preistraeger-2009.php (last downloaded on 24.11.2016).
  6. BSH Corporate Archives, A05-0032, inform 2009/2 June, page 27.
  7. BSH Corporate Archives, A05-0032, inform 2009/2 June, page 27. http://www.iku-innovationspreis.de/iku-info/preistraeger/archiv/preistraeger-2009.php (last downloaded on 24.11.2016).