Translations:Constructa - eine Waschmaschinen-Legende/1/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „alt=Picture of the follow-up model of the first Constructa fully automatic wasching machine in the BSH wiki|thumb|The follow-up model of the first Constructa fully automatic wasching machine, 1950s. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives) Engineering company Peter Pfenningsberg GmbH from Düsseldorf launched Germany's first fully automatic washing machine on the market in 1951. The machine was stil…“)
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[[File:1955 ca Constructa Waschmaschine BSH Konzernarchiv.jpg|alt=Picture of the follow-up model of the first Constructa fully automatic wasching machine in the BSH wiki|thumb|The follow-up model of the first Constructa fully automatic wasching machine, 1950s. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives)]]
In the 1950s, the Constructa was the first washing machine manufactured in Germany, representing a breakthrough for the manufacturer Constructa Werke GmbH. With an 80 percent market share, the company was still the clear leader among washing machine producers in Germany even 20 years on. Constructa was taken over by Siemens in 1961 and thus became an integral part of BSH in 1967.
Engineering company Peter Pfenningsberg GmbH from Düsseldorf launched Germany's first fully automatic washing machine on the market in 1951. The machine was still without a name when it made its appearance at the Constructa building trade fair in Hanover. But the exhibition was to prove memorable. The washing machine was presented for the first time as Pfenningsberg Constructa at the spring fair in Cologne in 1952. The machine with the characteristic porthole could clean 4.5 kilos of laundry in 75 minutes. The Constructa boasted yet another highlight in being able to prepare the required amount of hot water itself. This eliminated the need for a hot water connection as was necessary with other machines, making the [[History of the Constructa brand|Constructa]] more versatile in where it could be used. Every cycle could be extended, shortened, repeated or skipped as required by setting the program knob, thus allowing the degree of dirt to be taken into account optimally in each case. At the same time "''Operation of the machine (...) couldn't be easier and requires no specialist knowledge"'' as the advertising stressed.
The drum was produced from stainless Nirosta sheeting and designed so as to change direction of rotation every 15 minutes during a washing and rinsing cycle with 48 revolutions per minute. Because of the speed, a concrete base and four stone bolts were needed to anchor the fully automatic washing machine to the floor.<ref>BSH Corporate Archives, no signature, Constructa Document Folder, General Collection 1951-1958.</ref>
<gallery mode="traditional" perrow=2 widths=360 px heights= 360 px>
file: Unbenannt_1.jpg|<br>“An entire house full of Constructa.” The “Constructa,” developed by engineer Peter Pfenningsberg from Mettmann, sold like hotcakes in the 1950s (Source: BSH Corporate Archives) <br>  <br>
file: Unbenannt_2.jpg|<br>“Saves time, saves money, saves space.The Constructa was a revolution for German households. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives) <br>  <br>
file: Unbenannt_3.jpg|<br>The porthole was the trademark of the “Constructa” – the round glass door on the front for loading the appliance (Source: BSH Corporate Archives)<br>  <br>
file: Unbenannt_4.jpg|<br>Not only is the washing clean – the production hall at Constructa Werke GmbH is also spick and span. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives) <br>  <br>
file: Unbenannt_5.jpg|<br> Windowshopping with Constructa <br>  <br>
file: Unbenannt_6.jpg|<br> The first German automatic washing machines were initially still produced in small volumes of ten appliances per day. In the 1950s, production increased tenfold. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives) <br>  <br>
file: Unbenannt_7.jpg|<br> The massive increase in production was accompanied by a variety of creative advertising campaigns to increase demand for the relatively new and unknown product. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives) <br>  <br>
file: Unbenannt_8.jpg|<br> 140 VW Beetles. The Constructa Werke GmbH fleet. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives) <br>  <br>
file: Unbenannt_9.jpg|<br> The appliance got its name from the Constructa trade fair in Hanover where Peter Pfenningsberg presented his washing machine for the first time. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives) <br>  <br>
file: Unbenannt_10.jpg|<br> A revolutionary feature of the first Constructa machines was that a hot water connection was no longer needed. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives) <br>  <br>
file: Unbenannt_11.jpg|<br> Competition became increasingly intense following the economic miracle. Products from Italian manufacturers provided particularly fierce competition. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives) <br>  <br>
file: Unbenannt_12.jpg|<br> Stealing the show. The Constructa on stage. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives) <br>  <br>

Version vom 24. Juli 2023, 12:51 Uhr

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Nachricht im Original (Constructa - eine Waschmaschinen-Legende)
Die „Constructa“ war in den 1950ern der erste in Deutschland hergestellte Waschvollautomat. Dem Hersteller, der Firma [[Die_Geschichte_der_Marke_Constructa|<span style="color:#0080FF">Constructa Werke GmbH</span>]], gelingt so der Durchbruch. Mit 80 Prozent Marktanteil ist die Firma auch 20 Jahre später noch die klare Nr. 1 unter den Waschmaschinen-Produzenten Deutschlands. 1961 wird Constructa von Siemens übernommen und ist damit seit 1967 ein fester Bestandteil der BSH.
<gallery mode="traditional" perrow=2 widths=360 px heights= 360 px>
Datei: Unbenannt_1.jpg|<br>„Ein ganzes Haus voller Constructa“ Die vom Ingenieur Peter Pfenningsberg aus Mettmann entwickelte „Constructa“ findet in den 1950er Jahren reißenden Absatz. (Quelle: BSH Konzernarchiv)  <br>  <br>
Datei: Unbenannt_2.jpg|<br>„Spart Zeit, spart Geld, spart Raum.“ Für die deutschen Haushalte ist die "Constructa" eine Revolution. (Quelle: BSH Konzernarchiv)  <br>  <br>
Datei: Unbenannt_3.jpg|<br>Markenzeichen der „Constructa“ ist das sogenannte Bullauge, eine runde Glasklappe, durch die das Gerät beladen wird. (Quelle: BSH Konzernarchiv) <br>  <br>
Datei: Unbenannt_4.jpg|<br> Nicht nur die Wäsche wird rein. Die blitzeblank saubere Werkshalle der Constructa Werke GmbH. (Quelle: BSH Konzernarchiv) <br>  <br>
Datei: Unbenannt_5.jpg|<br> Schaufensterauslage mit Constructa Produkten. (Quelle: BSH-Konzernarchiv) <br>  <br>
Datei: Unbenannt_6.jpg|<br>Anfangs werden die ersten deutschen „Wasch-Automaten“ noch in kleiner Stückzahl von zehn Geräten am Tag produziert. In den 1950er Jahre verzehnfacht sich die Produktion. (Quelle: BSH Konzernarchiv)  <br>  <br>
Datei: Unbenannt_7.jpg|<br>Die massive Produktionssteigerung wird durch eine Vielzahl kreativer Werbekampagnen begleitet, um die Nachfrage für das relativ neue und unbekannte Produkt zu steigern. (Quelle: BSH Konzernarchiv) <br>  <br>
Datei: Unbenannt_8.jpg|<br>140 VW-Käfer. Der Fuhrpark der Constructa Werke GmbH. (Quelle: BSH Konzernarchiv) <br>  <br>
Datei: Unbenannt_9.jpg|<br>Ihren Namen erhält die Waschmaschine von der Constructa Messe in Hannover, auf der Peter Pfenningsberg seine Waschmaschine zum ersten Mal präsentiert. (Quelle: BSH Konzernarchiv)<br>  <br>
Datei: Unbenannt_10.jpg|<br>Revolutionär bei den ersten Constructa Maschinen: es wird kein Heißwasseranschluss mehr benötigt. (Quelle: BSH Konzernarchiv) <br>  <br>
Datei: Unbenannt_11.jpg|<br>Nach dem Wirtschaftswunder wird der Wettbewerb immer intensiver. Besonders die Produkte italienischer Hersteller sind eine starke Konkurrenz. (Quelle: BSH Konzernarchiv) <br>  <br>
Datei: Unbenannt_12.jpg|<br>Stiehlt die Show. Die "Constructa" auf der Bühne. (Quelle: BSH Konzernarchiv) <br>  <br>

In the 1950s, the Constructa was the first washing machine manufactured in Germany, representing a breakthrough for the manufacturer Constructa Werke GmbH. With an 80 percent market share, the company was still the clear leader among washing machine producers in Germany even 20 years on. Constructa was taken over by Siemens in 1961 and thus became an integral part of BSH in 1967.

<gallery mode="traditional" perrow=2 widths=360 px heights= 360 px> file: Unbenannt_1.jpg|
“An entire house full of Constructa.” The “Constructa,” developed by engineer Peter Pfenningsberg from Mettmann, sold like hotcakes in the 1950s (Source: BSH Corporate Archives)

file: Unbenannt_2.jpg|
“Saves time, saves money, saves space.” The Constructa was a revolution for German households. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives)

file: Unbenannt_3.jpg|
The porthole was the trademark of the “Constructa” – the round glass door on the front for loading the appliance (Source: BSH Corporate Archives)

file: Unbenannt_4.jpg|
Not only is the washing clean – the production hall at Constructa Werke GmbH is also spick and span. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives)

file: Unbenannt_5.jpg|
Windowshopping with Constructa

file: Unbenannt_6.jpg|
The first German automatic washing machines were initially still produced in small volumes of ten appliances per day. In the 1950s, production increased tenfold. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives)

file: Unbenannt_7.jpg|
The massive increase in production was accompanied by a variety of creative advertising campaigns to increase demand for the relatively new and unknown product. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives)

file: Unbenannt_8.jpg|
140 VW Beetles. The Constructa Werke GmbH fleet. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives)

file: Unbenannt_9.jpg|
The appliance got its name from the Constructa trade fair in Hanover where Peter Pfenningsberg presented his washing machine for the first time. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives)

file: Unbenannt_10.jpg|
A revolutionary feature of the first Constructa machines was that a hot water connection was no longer needed. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives)

file: Unbenannt_11.jpg|
Competition became increasingly intense following the economic miracle. Products from Italian manufacturers provided particularly fierce competition. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives)

file: Unbenannt_12.jpg|
Stealing the show. The Constructa on stage. (Source: BSH Corporate Archives)