The employee magazines
BSH publishes various employee magazines to encourage identification with BSH as a company and to promote exchanges between the departments and sites. One medium used for internal communication is the international employee magazine inform, which is issued for all employees at the BSH sites. In addition, various local and international staff media are published throughout BSH, providing employees with local news from their respective subsidiary or site in their local language.
All BSH sites: inform
The employee magazine "inform" appeared in 1978 as the BSH successor to the "Bosch-Zünder" and "Siemens-Mitteilungen" works magazines during the company's restructuring. The publishers were responding to the employees' wish for information about their company.
inform provides relevant corporate information and news, as well as information on legislative changes that affect BSH employees. It also reports on staff training, as well as personal success stories of BSH employees, such as awards or special activities outside of work. The magazine was initially published every two months in the first few years and then every three months from 1981. It was published in German (print and online) and then also in English (print) from 1999 to 2011, with some individual issues also being produced in Polish and Dutch. In December 2018 the last issue of the magazine was published.
Examples of works magazines
Spülzeit, Edition from March 1999, German and Spanish
Dillingen: Spülzeit
The forerunner to "Dishwasher News" was published from December 1998 to December 1999. The first editions appeared in German and Spanish for the dishwasher devotees at the Dillingen site and the Montañana site in Spain. The final edition from December 1999 even appeared in German, Spanish and English.Dishwasher News. Magazin für die Mitarbeiter der BSH Hausgeräte GmbH am Standort Dillingen
Dillingen: Dishwasher News
Seit 2000 erscheint die Mitarbeiterzeitschrift Dishwasher News in Dillingen. Dreimal jährlich berichtet das Magazin Neuigkeiten zum Produktbereich Geschirrspüler und dem Standort Dillingen. Außerdem enthält es Themen, die die gesamte BSH betreffen.Fabriktelegramm, Ausgabe Februar 1999
Giengen: Fabriktelegramm. Information für unsere Mitarbeiter
In der Fabrik Giengen wird eine zeitlang die Mitarbeiterzeitschrift Fabriktelegramm an die Belegschaft verteilt. Informationen der Produktbereichsleitung, Berichte aus anderen Werken und Mitarbeiteraktionen und -projekte werden veröffentlicht.Nachrichten aus dem Kleinbauwerk, 1. Ausgabe 1953 (Nachdruck zum 60-jährigen Jubiläum)
Traunreut: Nachrichten aus dem Kleinbauwerk
Von 1953 bis 1957 erscheinen in der Fabrik Traunreut die „Nachrichten aus dem Kleinbauwerk“. Das Mitteilungsblatt an die Belegschaft liegt vierteljährlich den Siemens-Mittelungen bei. Im Grußwort des Betriebsrats zur ersten Ausgabe heißt es: „Es soll ja nicht ein Nachrichtenblatt einzelner Stellen sein, sondern eine lebendige Hauszeitung des Werkes, in der das, was alle angeht, zur Sprache kommt.“