Translations:BSH Konzernarchiv/17/en
By the end of 2015, a total of just under 180 linear meters of files, advertising material, photos and films had been discovered and successively added to the archive. This can be seen as the point in time when the BSH Corporate Archive moved into a fully operational state and was ready for use.
How does the new BSH Corporate Archive collaborate with the corporate archives of the original mother companies? The principal factor linking the Bosch corporate archive and the BSH Corporate Archive is the archiving software itself. In order to obtain access to the documents about Bosch home appliances in the Bosch corporate archive, the BSH Corporate Archive had to be granted authorization to use Bosch’s archiving software. This software solution was developed internally by Bosch and originally based on a document management system. This was the topic on which the most frequent contact took place, particularly during the system changeover. After several coordination meetings, the BSH Corporate Archive was allowed to use the Bosch intranet to access an approved range of materials in the Bosch archive – particularly photos and brochures – and utilize the digital copies stored there.