Translations:Die Geschichte der Kältegeräte/6/en

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Version vom 31. Mai 2023, 14:17 Uhr von Johannes.martius (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „In the mid-1960s, the design of refrigeration appliances became more and more similar to the rest of the kitchen. The sales argument as a prestige object fell away, and the original arguments - avoidance of food waste and improved quality of life - came to the fore again. Simply preserving food, however, was no longer enough. In the 1970s and 1980s, technologies such as special temperature and climate zones for different foods and 0° fresh storage emerge…“)
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In the mid-1960s, the design of refrigeration appliances became more and more similar to the rest of the kitchen. The sales argument as a prestige object fell away, and the original arguments - avoidance of food waste and improved quality of life - came to the fore again. Simply preserving food, however, was no longer enough. In the 1970s and 1980s, technologies such as special temperature and climate zones for different foods and 0° fresh storage emerged. At the same time, improved insulation made appliances increasingly energy efficient.[1]

  1. Buck, Susanne: Kühlschränke, S. 181-182.