Translations:BSH Chronologie 1967-1978: Gründung und nationale Konsolidierung/11/en

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Dillingen aerial view, 1980. (Source: Robert Bosch GmbH - Corporate Archives, signature 6 001 17874)

Major changes were also taking place in terms of premises at this time: the new dishwasher plant in Dillingen was inaugurated in 1976 and BSHG acquired its first foreign investment through shares in the Greek market leader Pitsos (now BSH Ikiakes Syskeveses A.B.E.), which was founded originally in 1865. The administration role moved to a new building in Hochstrasse in Munich in 1978. The shared, centrally located administration building laid the cornerstone for BSHG's corporate identity and functioned as a clearly visible external sign of the internal amalgamation.[1]

  1. BSH Corporate Archives, Tochtermann Folder: Vortrag zur RB-GPI, dated 16.12.1991 by Dr Wörner.