Translations:AquaStop – der sichere Schutz vor Wasserschäden/10/en

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It was another three years before the innovation was launched on the market in 1985 and integrated in the BSH appliances – first in the dishwashers and then later also in the washing machines.[1] This was because of critical voices within BSH. The feeling in many departments was initially that the technology was too expensive or would create the impression among customers that the BSH appliances were faulty. Finally, the then CEO Helmut Plettner put WASA to the top of the list of priorities. The newly developed automatic system was now also given an international name: AquaStop. A somewhat more cautious approach was taken to begin with, and only some of the machines were fitted with the new technology. But it quickly transpired that there was great demand for the new technology.

  1. Stickel: Spülchronik, page 115. Corporate Archives, A05-0008, inform 1985/1, page 1.