Translations:BSH Konzernarchiv/9/en

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The upshot of this was that there were large gaps in the historical records. Because it was becoming ever more difficult for the personnel in the Bosch and Siemens corporate archives to cope with requests for information about BSH and home appliances in addition to their own work, the idea of creating a separate BSH Corporate Archive began to gain popularity. In 2013, a change of CEO brought further momentum. When the new CEO asked the head of communications to “take a look in the archive” for some information he required, the incumbent at the time was forced to answer that they didn’t actually have one. This was the moment when concrete planning actually began. Shortly afterwards, the head of communications and the CEO met up to discuss the necessary funding for creation of a corporate archive, with the budget receiving subsequent approval. The author of this article, working in the communications department, was tasked with internal coordination and implementation of the project.