Exceptional people in a strong global network

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BSH[1] employees are committed, professional and globally networked. They are the secret ingredient that drives the success of the company. BSH is represented today on all continents of the world. Using its sites in Germany as a springboard, for example, Bad Neustadt, Berlin, Bretten, Dillingen, Giengen, Traunreut and Munich, the company quickly expanded into many countries in Europe. Stepping onto the world stage was both swift and successful, with BSH appliances now also being produced and marketed in North and South America and Asia.

Topics - Exceptional people in a strong global network

The BSH football tournament

BSH Academy

BSH training & education

The employee magazines

BSH Sites in Germany

Bad Neustadt









International BSH Sites

The Region Europe

The Americas Region

The Asia Region

The Region Africa

The Australia/Oceania Region

Find out more here soon about international BSH sites and regions in which the BSH is represented.


  1. BSH was founded in 1967 as Bosch-Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH - BSHG for short. In 1998, the name was changed to BSH Bosch und Siemens Hausgeräte GmbH, with the short form BSH. Since the sale of the Siemens shares in BSH to Robert Bosch GmbH the company’s name is now BSH Hausgeräte GmbH, but still BSH for short.